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To make sure this is a trusted community, we are using LinkedIn login to verify name and email.
With a couple of clicks you'll be set to level-up your community membership.
You'll be able to claim your bubble on the right - which shows newsletter contribution - and get your own dedicated profile page.
You'll also get the awesome benefits below.
This page was originally designed as public thank you note to brainfooders who had helped promote the growth of the community. However, in light of the economic pressure we are all facing as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, I've repurposed this page to become a 'People Board' for brainfooders advertise themselves as available for work.
Any member will then be able to search and find any other member, so use this page if you are looking for work or looking to hire someone to do work.
I'll keep this page going for as long as it's needed by the community. It will always be free for brainfooders - job seeker or hirer - to use.
Let's do this!